In the company most in the need of an immediate name change department is the Viet Nam based airline company "Air Speed Up". It turns out that the name in Vietnamese means "Death and Grief."
We think it is not a wise move to name a children's product something that implies child abuse. Apparently the "PopATot" people don't have such qualms.
The name change explanation of the week comes from SaleBuild, who changed their name to Salesify.
Here, is their own words, is the impetus behind the name change:
The Salesify name is also aspirational, and while grounded in more than 30 years of industry experience, points towards our dynamic, innovative and out-of-the box thinking," continued (company CFO, Oliver) Deng.
Um, what? Did they that name from Namethis.com?
drank is the past tense drink that comes to us promising us that it will "Slow your roll" with a combination of valerian root, melatonin and rose hips. We are getting sleepy already.
The problem is that drank is a slang term for a homemade cocktail consisting of Sprite soda and prescription strength Promethazine/Codeine Cough Syrup. Good idea.....really. We think their next product should be an energy drink called Speedball.
Our favorite book title of the week is:
Momma Is Daddy Going to Hell?
From the book description we get:
We think this is less about Little Johnny's curiosity and everything about his adulterous father. The book title we think is not a question, but a hoped for fate for Little Johnny's adulterous daddy by Little Johnny's momma.
We hope we didn't spoil your dinner.
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