Monday, April 28, 2008

Raw Modesy, Unharmed Donkeys, Con Men, and other strange naming firm anagrams

One of our favorite websites for wordplay is the Internet Anagram Server. Give it a whirl and see what your name spells when you jumble the letters. (For instance, "Alexandra Watkins" = "An Award In Sex Talk" and "Drink A Sealant Wax.") We ran the name "Eat My Words" through and here's what we found...

Eat My Words =

Meaty Words
Sweaty Dorm
Raw Modesty
Two’s Dreamy
Draw My Toes
Steady Worm
Tawdry Some
Wet Army Sod
Do Sew My Rat
Rowdy Meats
Wordy Teams
Steamy Word
Drowsy Meat
To Wry Dames
Eat My Sword
Store My Wad

Of course we can't just embarrass ourselves. Here are some anagrams of some of our favorite naming firms:

The Naming Company =
Nymphomaniac Gent
A Hundred Monkeys =
Unharmed Donkeys
Igor International =
Rotate Nail In Groin
Landor =
No Lard
Catchword Branding =
Drab Chanting Crowd
Metaphor =
To Hamper
Master McNeil Inc =
Immanent Circles
Mnemonic =
I’m Con Men
Interbrand = Drab Intern

Photo of unharmed donkeys by Alexandra from her trip to Tanzania in 2004.

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