Tuesday, November 15, 2005

New Gig: Copywriting Instructor at The Academy of Art

I'm now teaching a Copywriting class one night a week at the Academy of Art's School of Advertising. My 15 students are incredibly creative and fun. So far I've assigned ads and taglines for Jelly Belly Sport Beans, United's Red Carpet Club, and a campaign to get tourists to come back to New Orleans. Here's a photo of me with my class clown, Colby, from the class we had on Halloween.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Fan Mail for my Alaska Salmon Sticker Ad

As you may know, I concepted the "peel off sticker" ad for Wild Alaska Salmon with Katie Rueter of Schiedermayer & Associates. The client just forwarded us a gushing email from UC Berkeley graduate who prides herself on being "somewhat impervious to advertisements." Her letter proved my theory that people actually would put the stickers on their shopping lists to remind them to buy Alaska Salmon...

From: Sarah Lash
Sent: Sunday, November 06, 2005 7:34 AM
To: info@alaskaseafood.org
Subject: Salmon advertisement


I am writing in regards to your recent Wild Alaska Salmon advertisements (found in Bon Apetit magazine).

Aside from being an aficionado of good salmon, and fine food in general, I am a UC Berkeley graduate, living in Indiana, pursuing a doctoral degree in the social sciences. As such, I am acutely aware of marketing strategies, and pride myself at being somewhat impervious to advertisements.

Imagine my surprise, then, when I found myself completely taken with your latest ad!

I am writing to let you know that the run of ads featuring a sticker sheet of Salmons (to be put on the shopping list) with salmon facts underneath is ENTIRELY effective--even on me! I know this was likely a costly ad to run, so I thought you might appreciate the feedback. I have now TWO sheets of the salmon stickers, posted to my billboard next to my shopping list. The clever ad has resulted in no fewer than four occasions on which I was compiling a shopping list, and was inspired to add salmon to the list thanks to the sheet of stickers.

As I said, I am well aware of being manipulated by the advertisement...but the stickers are just so fun and clever, that I can't seem to make myself care!

Anyway, I just thought that you might want to know that the campaign is working, at least on one person. :)

-Sarah Lash
Bloomington, Indiana
In case you are wondering, neither Katie or myself know this woman. ;-)

Friday, November 4, 2005

New Work: Alaska Canned Salmon Ad

Salmon is the new tuna, so this ad for Alaska Canned Salmon is targeted at couch potatoes who eat Starkist and Chicken of the Sea. The headline reads, "You would be healthier too if you swam thousands of miles a year." It will appear in Southern Living Magazine. It's printed on card stock and the back of the ad features delicious copy and recipes.

Wednesday, November 2, 2005

Salmon Ad Selected for US Ad Review

U.S. Ad Review selected my summer grilling Wild Alaska Salmon ad to be featured in their quarterly publication. The headline is, "So wild it practically flips over on its own." The ad was selected by a small committee that is charged with reviewing hundreds of magazines each month and chooses about 75 total ads each quarter. I worked on this with Katie Reuter of Schidermayer & Associates.

Tuesday, November 1, 2005

Filmed for HGTV's "Small Space, Big Style"

HGTV wrapped up their second full day of shooting my loft and the Eat My Words diner booth office for thier new decorating series, "Small Space, Big Style." Highlights of the show will include me revealing all of my secret storage spaces including the pink refrigerator bookcase. The show airs in December or January - stay tuned for the date. In the meantime, here are some previews and behind-the-scenes shots of me and the crew. (Yes, they spoiled me with my own hair and make-up person... what a luxury!)