My parents went to Libya in the seventies and my Mom suggested I check it out, so I tagged along with Joe one Christmas. Here's what it looks like today...
Eat My Words is a wildly creative boutique naming firm in San Francisco known for creating names that generate buzz and revenue. While we started out specializing in food and things that make you drunk, our clients quickly discovered that we also have a talent for naming things you don't put in your mouth. Unlike old-school naming firms who enjoy turning perfectly good words into gobbledygook, the names we create are real words or twists on real words that are evocative, emotional, hip and absolutely unforgettable. Some of our successes include Frigid ice cream, Spoon Me frozen yogurt, Hose Candy for hot rods, I Have a Bean coffee, Revolutionary Road auto parts, Neato home cleaning robots, Monkey Dunks dips for kids, Mixin' Vixens bartenders, Cake Financial, Bloom energy drink, a luxury-on-installment website named Venue, and Wavelength, a forum for the world's most progressive companies and social entrepreneurs.